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Summer + Bloom is a New Zealand owned and made skincare




Dermaplaning is a safe and simple treatment for exfoliating the epidermis and removing fine thin vellus hair; also known as peach fuzz. With this treatment we combine the use of an enzyme mask and plaining the skin with a scalpel to reveal skin that is smooth and glowing. As an added bonus makeup sits much better on smooth skin! (Dermaplaning does not affect the makeup of a hair follicle as this is predetermined - therefore, dermaplaning does not change how a hair will regrow - it will grow back at the same rate and texture as before) - $98


Express facial 35 Minutes  


The pick me up 'mini facial' is a great introduction to the Natures skincare line, and leaves you feeling fresh and relaxed after only 35 minutes - $67


Indulgent facial  50 Minutes 


Relax and give your skin the nutrients it needs to stay balanced and glowing using the natures skin care line this is a revitalizing and luxurious facial - $90


Jelly mask 


Norrish and hydrate your skin with a jelly mask. Perfect to add onto a facial - $20

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